Parent Teacher Interview

Glen Avon School Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on February 27th from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Sign up by scrolling through the list and clicking on your child’s teacher(s) to book a time (if needed, book a separate time for each of your child's teachers)


Alycia Stepp
Grade 1S

Aundrea Johnson
Grade 4J

Jody Looy
Science 7-9, Tech 8-9

Jolene Fodness
Math 6-8

Juanita Labant
Grade 3L

Kristi Tanasichuk
Grade 1T

Kyla Reid
Grade 2R

Mary Anne Martinson
Music/Band K-9

Melissa Deschamps
Grade 4D

Melissa Sallstrom
Language Arts 7-9

Pam Skoreyko

Patti Krekoski
Health 7-9, HomeEc 7-9

Peggy Fedoruk

Rachel Page
Grade 5P, Science 6M

Richard Gratton

Robyn Randall
PE 6-9, LPA 7

Roseann Magdiak

Ryan Pashko
Math 9, Social 8F

Shane Boyko
Grade 5B

Sherry Wolitski
Grade 2W

Steph Boyko
Grade 3B

Terri-Lynne Nickason
Social 6-9

Zane Zilinski
Grade 6Z, Language Arts 7L